Purpose and Constitution
The goals of the association are defined in the MTMD Association Regulations as: To establish a climate that is devoted to democracy and universal principles of human rights, respectful to freedom of thought and faith, and committed to Ataturk's contemporary goals and principles of civilization and from such a medium to present to the public the companies and persons active in the field of Mechanical (HVAC&R) Engineering, to emphasize their importance and ensure their development towards advanced international practices by organizing activities designed with the purpose of advancing and developing the knowledge, the responsibilities and the rights of its members."
The fundamental aim in the creation of the association is to ensure that the contracting of mechanical installations in Turkey acquires the desired global competitive strength, performs the duties expected from it in the development of the national mechanical installation sector and improves its professional discipline. MTMD, whose goal is to create a medium that will enable mechanical installation contractors to discuss and to collaborate in resolving their common problems, aims to be a driving force in the development of the sector, nationally and internationally, by ensuring that the internationally accepted prerogatives and responsibilities are abided by within recognized conditions of competition.
To this end, it is necessary for us to gain further experience, to prepare our infrastructure, to publicize our sector, to expand our membership, to discuss and resolve our common problems, to enforce internationally accepted standards and to re- evaluate our responsibilities. All of these are at the heart of the Mechanical Contractors' Association.